Hi, I am really thinking about starting on this project for my OBDI vehicles. Do I need to snap up one of the v1.0 serial boards before they are gone, or will everything work just the same with a v2.0 serial board? Im running NT4 sp6 so I do not have USB.
Will the board from the Sparkfun Electronics work the same? (Does HD44780 chipset mean it will work the same?) I would much prefer that to be easy on the eyes, as well as match my dash. Also the red/black one would go great with my Pontiac this winter. On my downstate trips I am in the car for 7 hours straight in the dark every other weekend, plus 5 more hours in the dark during the week. I need something easy on the eyes.
I am sure that I have seen the VSS pulses per mile in my factory service manuals, so the injector tweaking should be the main issue. My engines are MPFI V6, bank style firing (3 at a time). I know where all the wires are, Ive done 2 engine swaps.
I have done some programming but with the TI85 calculator and some Autocad lisp but nothing like what I see in this program. Ive built things with similar level of soldering, but Im only familiar with super basic things like relays, resistors. The chip flashing is new to me.
Hopefully I can provide some shared experience to this project and get something working for myself.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver