Exactly... many factors come in to play for "safety". Safety is not simply the ability to smash the s#!t out of another car. Safety is a combination of ability see and avoid accidents, disperse the energy of an accident, stay right-side-up either in a collision or a blow-out or a drifting off-road, ability to get out of the vehicle when things go wrong, fire prevention, etc.
I saw a "test" of the Yaris on Fifth Gear where they got a giant soccer ball and a dozen yarises and they played soccer. When they smash into eachother, they just bounced off and kept going for the ball. Little damage, no injuries, not even a disabled car! If we all drove around in small cars, we'd all be safe.
As for corvette vs volvo... I see both on the race track regularly... corvettes don't turn any better than volvos do, they only go in a straight line better. It all depends on tires, too. (don't make me reference the other thread where I'm saying you shouldn't be putting 55psi in your tires!)