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Old 07-04-2008, 11:20 AM   #1 (permalink)
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A new record MPG for Ford F150 with aerodynamic cap!

Happy fourth of July,

It has been a while since posting here on ecomodder. I have been in Texas working crazy hours and making money to fund to start of production of the aero truck cap. I am ready, and I wish to thank all of you fellow ecomodders for your continuing support.

Driving home from Denton, Texas to Little Rock last night, I set a new record for the aero cap, 25 mpg! I drove from Denton to Greenville, Texas, which sets right on Interstate 30. I use this run from Greenville to Little Rock, which is 260 miles of freeway driving as a test run. The temperature was about 96 degrees with a slight tail wind from the southwest.

I topped of the gas tank, shut off the air conditioning and turned east toward Little Rock. With the sun at my back and the vent on high, it was suprisingly comfortable without the air conditioner on. After a couple of hours driving time, I noticed my gas guage had not moved as much as it usually does on this route I have taken many many times before. My suspicions were justified when I topped off in Little Rock upon arrival and had traveled 260.5 miles and used 10.39 gallons of gas, 25.07 miles per gallon, not bad for a full size 2006 F150 with the 4.6 liter v8 and automatic transmission.

I had had the cruise set on 69 miles per hour and was turning 1800 rpms. I do believe the hotter air may be less dense which could help improve fuel efficiency. It is known that aircraft lose lift in hotter air due to the lowered density of the heated air. I'll be driving back the same route Sunday and see if the same mileage can be matched.

Plans are now to do a test market in Arkansas and Texas this fall on the aero cap. The market is there and the gain in fuel efficiency the cap affords, I do feel they will sell.

Thanks to all,


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