Originally Posted by xntrx
Could be fluid. On the lifetime fill vw/audis, you basically fill till it overflows. The eurovan (T4) guys like to change the lifetime fluid every 40-50k miles. You really need to have a vag-com if you plan on keeping the car around for awhile.
My suggestions:
-1 fluid swap since you're already overtime to do so (with another relearn)
-2 still nothing, vag com
-3 shows nothing get the VB redone using the sonnex mods. Its a diy r&r, fairly skilled skill to mod. Just be careful with the solenoid wiring.
fyi, a "relearn" is just holding the pedal to the floor with the key on, engine off.
Its a Tipchronic - standard 6sp Auto.
Fluid has just been done at 82K, now on 85.
VAG-COM scanned a couple of weeks ago with nothing with the GB - a "lazy" glowplug seems to be the only mech fault.
What is the VB Redone ?