Hi wdp
your last paragraph sounds like fun NOT. as i live in the uk snow so far this year is confined to scottish mountians and excellent ski conditions. now i live 700miles north of the south coast of england. no fun down there. i hope sitution starts to improve soon. we have had our driest and mildest winter on record. ummmmm for an aera known for rain rain and yet more rain just incase more rain coupled with wind speeds upto 120mph. slow wind speed is 20+mph. snow is still on cards as when lambing starts so does the snow. locally known as lambing snow. when lambing is finished spring arrives.no matter when lambing is feb march or april snow is granuteed even bookies wont give odds on no snow during lambing. so far our corner of scotland has escaped the evil weather this winter but plenty of time yet. (so am keeping snow shovel in house wife is going spare about it) means no snow until i put it back in garage. lol