Originally Posted by GreenHornet
My plan for the construction is to do foam sandwiched core construction with composite materials. This technique is used often in boat and airplane construction as well as with some kit cars. They also use these techniques at NASA! The majority of kit cars use fiberglass with some kind of plywood material for strength. This is good choice for cost but most plywood is heavy. So I am looking at other material as potential sandwich core to save weight and increase durability. The main thing that I need to keep in mind is the cost because some of these core materials like Aluminum Honeycomb can be very expensive.
I am familiar with Composite construction. Foam core works well with aircraft because the foam is shaped to the wing Airfoil shape and covered with Glass, Burt Rutan style. For a car body you need to build a body shape buck to lay the composite and core over, and remove the buck later. I will eventually have to build a body based on the rear "half" of a VW Beetle and the rest my own design in full composite. Just wondering in some detail what you plan. Building a full scale car to pull a female mold off of, to later lay-up finished body parts in, is quite the project.
Also, I Was looking at a a Can Am Spyder 3 wheel motorcycle today, and it looked to have a very desirable front suspension for a light 3 wheel, or 4 wheel car. Just sayin...