The principles are good, but I think transonic has it right. Super critical liquid fuel which is injected directly into the combustion chamber. A couple hundred atmospheres of pressure and 450 degrees F tempertature. The fuel then auto ignites with compression only once the engine is warmed up. Spark ignition is necessary for the intitial startup.
Exhaust emissions need no aftertreatment to pass even more stringent future standards, because the real issue, which is homogenous mixture at the point of combustion, has been solved, which makes the actual combustion of the mixture to occur at the same instant throughout the combustion chamber.
With modern injection you can make multiple injections, even in the milliseconds when ignition of the mixture occurs, Inject the fuel while combustion is in process in stages to actually change the peak pressure point while making "knock" or preignition impossible as well as eliminating peak combustion chamber pressures.
The concept was good 40 years ago, but the technology had to catch up with the concept.
Last edited by user removed; 02-10-2014 at 06:31 PM..