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Old 02-12-2014, 12:57 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Corvette museum eats their own...

Right in the center of the domed section of the National Corvette museum, a sinkhole collapsed the show floor swallowing six museum and two donor display cars in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The damaged cars; 1962 Black Corvette, 1984 PPG Pace Car, 1992 White one Millionth Corvette, 1993 Ruby Red 40th Anniversary Corvette, 2001 Mallet Hammer Corvette, 2009 White 1.5 Millionth Corvette, 1993 ZR-1 Spyder and 2009 ZR-1 Blue Devil. The Bowling Green, Kentucky region is geographically known for the state's largest karst features; the Western Pennroyal largest subterranean and cave complexes. The complex is shut down and experts brought in to assess structural stability before any recovery of the show cars.

Bowling Green, KY is also the only dedicated production plant for the legendary Chevrolet Corvette.

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