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Old 02-12-2014, 04:08 PM   #29 (permalink)
American Viking
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Originally Posted by alvaro84 View Post
I would be curious about the effect of the trunk itself, without the effect of the gearing change. Because making a trunk for Teresa is possible (it's just a differently shaped top case, after all), but gearing change would mean a complete rebuild of the final transmission (from belt to chain).
Not quite, I know of a few Buell riders that have changed their final drive ratios without having to convert from belt to chain.
First you have to find the next higher count belt. Its not like a chain where you just add even numbers of links. These belts are extruded from a mold as a tube, then sliced to form the belts like Calamari rings or rubber bands.
Once you know how many more teeth you have to work with, you can now measure the available space front and rear. Add as many cogs to the front counter sprocket as you can, for two reasons.
i. on additional cog on the front makes a larger change then one less on the rear.
ii. adding cogs on the front moves you away from minimum tooth/wrapping issues.
Just make sure that you don't end up with the count on the rear being a multiple of the front, as that will accelerate the wear. so no 15/45 counts.

After that it is just a matter of finding a fabricator to make the cogs

Originally Posted by alvaro84 View Post
Something extending so much behind the vehicle's normal dimensions is still illegal here, but...
Short of having the rider always laying on the tank, adding anything behind the rider will likely have to extend past the normal end of the bike.
Also any device added there will have issues with moving both the center of mass (which will effect handling, depending on how heavy it is) and moving the center of pressure (which will effect aerodynamic behavior).
The best aero device for reducing drag behind the rider would be what I can only call a cape attached to both the rider and the bike.

Black Cherry (no epa ratings)

Dad's Taxi

The Lead Sled (EV conversion coming soon)

Last edited by American Viking; 02-12-2014 at 04:14 PM..
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