Originally Posted by freebeard
You remember the folks! They were Makers before the time.
They had a light gauge wire in a jigsaw arrangement, maybe 3-4" long. As I recall, the throttle was set to about 30%. You'd probably need to short right across the generator/alternator.
But what I came back to say is: Bubbles!
They can be generated at ambient temperature and I think they can be tuned for persistence. A multiple exposure of 1 bubble/second would be a low-resolution sampled average, or you could track single bubbles with a high frame rate—60 frames /second would be every 1 1/2 feet at 88fps/60mph.
Foam streamers. The mind boggles.
Didn't Mercedes do some studies with bubbles filled with hydrogen,to get really low inertia and neutral buoyancy?