I havent seen anything on it but the linked article.
It sounds possible, but I bet those specs are only extremes. Its probably capable of that kind of speed and power, with very little mpg. Or capable of that kind of mpg but with very little power. He never did say anything about what kind of range he gets.
Ive read that electric cars have much more torque than gas engines. And you can get infinite mpg with plug-in hybrids, assuming you only drive it till you use up the initial charge.
To help it out, it could also have a tube frame made of something lightweight, and plastic body panels.
Hot air and BS, ROFLMAO. Earlier this week I watched a show on history channel about the many uses of dung. One of the things was burning it for fuel to generate power. That was the main part I wanted to see, and wouldnt you know it, right as soon as they started talking about it, they got cut off into a commercial, right in the middle of a sentence.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver