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Old 02-15-2014, 12:20 PM   #13 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Its kind of hard to judge a parking as you dont know what they had to deal with before hand.

In many cases people where I live do not park within the lines to begin with. I cant fault them as it maybe a vehicle beside them parked off causing them t park off.

Others park in the cross marked area beside handicapp parking places or at the end of a lot before the cement island.

When I use to work we typically crammed 3 cars into 2 spots. We parked so the passenger side of the vehicles faced each other and an inch apart. I sometimes would park half n an island or end cap next to someone I knews passenger to passenger side. Parking security didnt care as long as you didnt park completely on top of the island or end cap, cross hatch area.

When I drove a scion xa and geo metro I loved to park all the way in my spot so to the casual person cruzing for a parking spot would think the spot is empty til they approached it and saw a little car at the end of it.

Just the other day I parked sideways acrossed 2 spots at subway. I had my 4x4 and had to shift into 4wd to get into the business. My 4x4 wont steer that well unless you shift out, then back up 12 feet to disengage 4wd. I didnt have time for all that, so I turned as tight as I could and assume when I left and backed out it would disengage and I can make a proper turn to exit the business.
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