3 stripes @ 42 feet per stripe separation. 126 feet at least here is more spearation than most traffic averages, at least where I live. Never repainted a front end. The Fiesta has no significant damage to the front end or windshield after 20k miles. Last time I had a broken windshield it was from a car flying by me at 80 MPH. Does that mean I should go 90? I even had a car toss a half pound rock into a customer's windshield at 55 PMH COMING FROM THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION!
I've dodged falling trees, wheels than came off a car coming in the opposite, direction, the remains of a connecting rod from a blown Jeep engine the first time I drove an 89 Maxima home, a tailgate from a farm use vehicle that weighed almost as much as my car, at night.