Originally Posted by mechman600
No. Like P-Hack said, a slipping clutch is a broken clutch. Or an incorrectly sized clutch for the desired application.
If clutches did slip (even a little), you would be able to see it on the tachometer when it did. But you never ever do.
Really? A little slip? Let's define slip. Anytime the clutch is engaged but cannot hold the engine's torque. A clutch slip scan be the smallest slip (1/100000....0th of a rotation compared to the flywheel) all the way out the very obvious failing clutch slip everyone is referencing.
You would be able to tell if your clutch slipped 1/10th of a rotation by looking at the tachometer? We are talking about less than 1/100th of a second at 2000 rpm.
That is 2000 revolutions per minute, 33.33 revs/sec, 3.33...3 revs/10th sec, .3333 revs/100th sec, and so on.