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Old 02-21-2014, 11:14 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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how much difference did MPGuino or vacuum gauge make for you?

i've been on the fence about installing either a vacuum gauge or mpguino in my '90 4wd corolla wagon for quite a while. been giving it more thought lately and wanted to know what sort of real life returns people have seen. for example, what did you average before and after installing it? did it help you adjust your driving habits?

also, i see the FAQ says the mpguino is much more useful than a vacuum gauge but i'm curious about how people feel about one versus the other. is the mpguino really that much better? i am used to carbs so i have a real soft spot for vacuum-related stuff. also, the mpguino is about 3x the cost of a vacuum gauge so i'd like to know if it's really 3x better.

sorry if this is a common question around here. i did a search but couldn't find quite the info i am looking for.

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