In updated news, I've been getting a pretty good average of 37mpg (36ish, 38.5, 36, and I'm working on another tank which I expect to be up).
I'm definitely going to install a kill switch, I just have to find a switch that isn't too obtrusive, and wait for the weather and my schedule to clear up (I don't have a garage to work in, and it's currently snowing/raining...).
My rural town doesn't have much in the way of stop-and-go traffic jams, so I don't get much chance to "tame the wave", and I do try to avoid having to stop for lights as much as possible, and keying off when I know I'm going to have to wait at a red.
I've actually been surprised that being heavier on the accelerator pedal doesn't make a noticeable difference in my mileage. As far as shifting early, I generally hit 2nd as soon as possible, 3rd @ 20-25, 4th @ 30-35, 5th @ ~45.
I wouldn't mind having a set of lightweight wheels, but as I've mentioned before, my budget is about this big |---|. So unless they're free or under $15-20, it will break the budget. And I don't have anything extra that I'm carrying around besides the spare, toolkit, and first-aid kit. None of those are extraneous.