Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
With two passenger car tires on the front I think a motorcycle tire could create unpredictable handling consequences.
I agree with your thought process here:
If the car leans toward the outside of a turn (as cars tend to do!), then the motorcycle rear tire will tend to want to go toward the outside. The car tires will likely have less of this tendency, due primarily to having more squared-off shoulders. Which spells more traction at the front than the rear--OVERSTEER! Could be fun, but ....
I realize that the 205-width tires are wider than you want, but I felt I needed to address Christ's comment: In the VW and old Porsche world, we put 205s on 5.5" rims all the time; it is the preferred tire size for many of the stock wheels for those old cars. And many Hondas run either 195s or 205s on 5" wheels.
OM, good luck with finding the right tire!