Originally Posted by dcb
So you can improve on the 41.9 MPG with this technique then? Or are you just going faster and breaking harder when you miss the stoplight or hit the turn?
edit: I don't think "lifted muscle wagon" guy flying up behind someone and stomping on the brakes and horn smacks of hypermiler
I dunno, I just carry way more corner speed than the average person. You'd be surprised at how fast an average car can go through a corner. The road he's talking about is a 50mph road, he's doing 27mph, when you turn onto it from Hwy 67, it's a slight uphill, then about a 3 mile 8% downhill grade. If I time it right and don't have traffic in front of me, I may slow to 45ish for the right turn at the bottom. My car is a 91 Civic Si that I've done the suspension on, with a stock (gas guzzling D16A6). It only knocks down mid 30's, but I have seen a low of 12mpg for 1 tank, and a high of 45mpg on a road trip. By him doing 27mph at the crest before the long downhill, he kills any momentum of drivers behind him that are going faster, so I say carry more cornerspeed, then you're only down to 40-45 at the crest. I could carry 50mph on that corner in my Minivan.