Originally Posted by CitroX
Look a few posts above which explain why the mpg dropped on my car  . And if the belly would be as low as the splitter the car would be undriveable.
I agree, if the splitter piece increased the frontal area, that would reduce mpg. What I meant was for the splitter to be the same level as your current belly panels. But that would require a lot of work to cut and plastic weld that splitter. You'd be better off selling it and modifying your belly panel to stick forward about 2.5cm.
Originally Posted by chumly
The covers are held on by zip ties only. I drilled 1 hole per wheel spoke and attached 1 zip to each spoke, poked the ends through the holes in the cover and zipped the squares cut from other ties onto the ties protruding from the cover and then cut the ends off. So far they are holding up very well, if you need to remove the covers you could stick a small screwdriver or tip of a knife into the catch or just cut them off and replace them, not hard at all to do but if using a knife be carefull, I found out the hard way that my razor sharp knife is razor sharp.  Chumly
I have also learned about razor sharp knives in that same way...