Originally Posted by RustyLugNut
The quick answer is adequate.
For those not familiar with BMEP
Add on emphasis:
As noted previously the method used above is an idealization , that makes certain assumptions. Real world operating engines may not conform to the numbers calculated from this or other similar types of calculations. Usually real world engines are almost always +/- some degree of variation away from these kinds of generalized/idealized calculations... Which is why properly performed and controlled real world testing always trumps the 'simulation' / 'calculation'... Although if we remove enough of the 'idealized' and enough of the 'assumptions' it is possible to get far more accurate 'simulations' of what will happen in the real world ... This usually makes things much more complicated ... thus the value of computers to run those more complex simulations ... or for the initial rough draft use of these kinds of idealized/generalized calculation methods.
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ok ... so we start with this quickie estimate.
Now ... by all means please proceed.