I think a lot of people have done "research" in some form on streamlined motorcycles, escpecially in the 1950'S untill it got banned for racing because they just went to fast and the racing tracks were not build for that, so too many got killed.
The reason that there aren't many streamlined motorcycles on the market is because it is simply not safe enough ( and I have ridden many streamlined 2wheelers including 1 motorised ) and because the western world is rich enough to ride bigger heavier more fuel consuming vehicles.
Even normal motorcycles are not used by the masses in our western world. Only in poorer economies do you see many light motorcycles riding at a low average speeds, where there is no need for aerodynamic improvements that would seriously reduce practicality.
So building an aerodynamic fuel efficient motorcycle is a very nice hobby, but I don't do it to save the planet nor to provide the world with a solution for transport.
I have no expectation that this will ever be bigger than a hand full of enthousiast building something for themselves. enjoy it, I do