Originally Posted by UltArc
Although the best gains are from the rear, I believe in starting from the front to back. The better the front is, the better the gains at the rear.
As Metro said, increasing frontal area is better than a dirty belly- but a clean belly is better than that bigger front end.
I just had a brain tsunami, and have to cut this post short- only posting a halfee because I want to subscribe and am interested in following your journey 
Here are some canopy images to look at.If you compare line 2 with line 3 you see no change in drag in spite of the 'more aerodynamic' nose of the line-3 canopy.Just something to think about.
As to line-1,construct it on paper or computer and see if you could live with it.
PS,it's a 'laminar' shape.something we don't get on real roads.