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Old 03-06-2014, 11:26 PM   #1 (permalink)
Hydrogen > EV
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: NW Ohio, United States
Posts: 2,025

Silver Flea - '05 Honda Insight
90 day: 58.96 mpg (US)
Thanks: 994
Thanked 402 Times in 285 Posts
Insight Meets Deer :'( (pg1 HEAVY w/ Images)

I was driving today, up north, to take care of some business- eBay, some browsing, and my roommate had a return to make.

~55 in 55, maybe a bit more. Three deer in a field to the west. Two run east across the road, and the third starts running north. I had slown down to ~35 trying to watch this deer when it just shot east and we met.

The deer did not survive, and landed about 20 feet off the side of the road. She was in tact, but I am not posting images of that. I was very surprised since when my father did worse damage to his F 150 at a faster speed, the deer survived and took off, not to be found, while his truck had severe damage.

I do shamelessly advertise my website via my vehicles, but I hope it is clear that is not my intention by posting these images. The site is not complete, so I do not post the half baked site.

The images really explain it all. We are all safe, and the little physical damage I took is nothing. I believe in a higher power, and I believe I am blessed, I just hope my Insight being totaled is not in my future :/

The Insight is still powering on, but there is a bit of a smell.

Feel free to comment, stories, and chat!


Best Tanks:
Mustang - 54.83 mpg (US) at the Green Grand Prix
Insight - 82.91966 mpg (US) over 818.5 miles.
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