musta got too long and wordy
No charging system is 100% +
I know how to change a belt LOL
Point is I would never have known the Alternator turns on immediatly at restart and now that I know perhaps I should try inserting a cap inline to see if it will prevent its strange on cycle.
Im thinking regulator notices the rush of amps and turns charge on even though it doesnt require a charge.
Perhaps it is wired in series with all those componants and defaults to charge at start up???? It is after all a kia.
Its that or switch it off 1000 times a week, or let it load up the re/starting engine. Mabe I should have gotten another toyota alternator never did this till now, but mabe it did and I just never had the belt loose enough to notice it?????????
ok everyone loosen your belts to see if yours does it too.