My milage is not impressive at all considering the car. But is due to a very irrattic drive pattern, with lots of short trips, and then some long ones. Many on a rather cold engine. (Why perserving heat is of importance to me).
Our cilmate is cold half of the year, which dosent help either.
In a warmer climate, with a more consistent drive pattern (Daily commuting and longer distance) it would'nt be a problim getting 55 - 60 mpg avagage in the Yaris hybrid with some modding and some hypermiling.
Here the Yaris was the best economy car I could get my hands on everything considered.
I think it's not possible to compare cars unless drivepattern and climate is about the same. Too many variables....
Last edited by Jyden; 03-09-2014 at 08:17 PM..