Originally Posted by Cobb
They use a super brain charger to cycle the sticks and record the results over 5 cycles. This gives an amp capacity and in many cases just cycling the stick rehabs it into better shape.
Still the load of the super brain is nothing to what it faxes in real life and a bad stick can pass this procedure with flying colors if it has a high internal resistance.
I used a super brain 989 for all my reconditioning. I did 4 cycles on most. (I know it should have been more consistant, but from what I read on other forums, 3 was plenty, I just wanted to be extra sure.)
It sounds like I should be set with just replacing stick #3 then. I hope it helps. There feels like theres a lot to do in reconditioning...
Thanks for the help, if no one else replies to this post I'll try to update it in a couple months. (Still have a foot of snow in my backyard so getting the Civic out for another few weeks is not going to happen.)