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Old 03-13-2014, 05:08 PM   #6291 (permalink)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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They do need a special driver, but I did my own homemade driver that has desaturation detection, and everything, but is way cheaper than the vla500-01, and is homemade, and is cheaper, and also, it's homemade! haha. It's based around this:

FOD8316 Fairchild Semiconductor | Mouser

What's that you say? That part can only do 2.5amp of drive current? Ya, took care of that, and preserved the desat soft turnoff as well. Pure instinct. The number I was thinking of is (-1 - sqrt(2))^(-3). As no one guessed that, if Duncan doesn't mind joining in the splitting, we'll do that 4 ways. I only need 3 more igbts (for a total of 9), but I'll get 6 out of that deal, so I figured I should help too. Plus, it makes me feel better if something blows up, that some of the money that was set on fire was my own.

kits and boards

Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 03-13-2014 at 05:24 PM.. Reason: secret number was not in the reals, thus not less than 4.
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