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Old 03-13-2014, 06:01 PM   #60 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Missouri
Posts: 540

Lean and Mean - '98 Honda Civic HX
Team Honda
90 day: 46.69 mpg (US)
Thanks: 30
Thanked 190 Times in 110 Posts
It's been a couple months since the last update, I thought I would share some thoughts and plans for the upcoming "eco-modder season". I'm jealous of you guys that only hit 40 or 50 over the winter. This winter has been brutal in Missouri. Within a 7 day span a few weeks ago the temperature went from -1 to 70 degrees. Heck, just yesterday I drove to work and it was 80 degrees. When I got off 8 hours later it was 30 degrees and snowing! As the temps start to go up so will my MPG. My fill yesterday was 45 MPG. I am confident once the average temp. starts to feel like summer I can hit 50 MPG.

1. Hit 50 MPG consistently
2. Complete some aero mods (grille block, front belly pan, etc.)
3. Perform some maintenance tasks I have been putting off

The Plan:
Hitting 50 MPG shouldn't be too difficult. Last summer I was hitting 46-48 consistently for a stretch, and I even made it above 50 MPG on one tank but I consider that a fluke. I have added a couple significant mods since last summer, including removing the power steering and swapping in a VX transmission. I've also managed to fix my lean burn problem. Combined these additions should significantly increase my MPG over last year.

As far as aero mods and the maintenance, I want to create an upper grille block, and a partial block for the lower grille. I really need to replace my rear wheel bearings, one side is making a really annoying sound at highway speeds. There are also some little things on the car here and there that I want to repair/replace. The headliner needs replaced, the drivers side door seal is cracked/torn (from having to break into the car 3 times with a coat hanger), and the passenger side door needs a power lock motor and a power window motor. The biggest thing besides the wheel bearing that bugs me is my drivers side fender which is dented. Ideally I would find a used one that is the same color, but that has proved difficult. I might just have to buy one and get it painted.

It should be an interesting summer. Gas prices are on the rise, but so is my fuel economy. I'll try my best to keep this thread updated with all the latest stuff!
1998 Honda Civic HX - My Project Thread

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