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Old 03-18-2014, 11:33 PM   #10 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Lubuntu and Firefox for me at the moment-it can run in as little as 128 MB RAM and (as of now) has 4GB to pkay with. Also, The next Stable release will be ready by the time my version gets stale.

Lubuntu plus Chrome is honestly an awesome (and faster at low resource) combo-Google having all my personal settings in Cloud bothers me, but at the same time makes a nice easy Backup for bookmarks and such...might go back to it eventually.

My recent laptop came with Windows 8.1-I honestly gave it an entire two weeks to impress me before I grabbed the Holy Water and assumed my Max Von Sydow voice (THE POWER OF TORVALDS COMPELS YOU! THE POWER OF TORVALDS COMPELS YOU!!!!) Anyway, i'm much happer now...
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