I doubt this story but there has been some great research isn using 1 piston to pre compres for the combustion cylinder.. thats just one idea of what this guy is doing .. and yeas a totllly variable valve configuration could be how this is done.. however is hes getting 110mpg, hows his NOx numbers.. a totally lean ed out x8 could possably produce 110mpg, but be terrable for nox etc.. I say prove it and let it be known.. time will tell.
If this guy has somthing i hpe he lets it becoem public domain and makes it well known and proved true.... We have all heard the 100 mpg carb stories..
YEs i realize that ther eis just so much energy in a gallon of fuel, however this is a old school light weight mustang.. not much heavier than todays lightest 40 mpg capable yaris or honda... Heck my heavy colorado pickup can easly pull down 35mpg if i stay under 50 mpg.
This guy coul dbe getting 110mpg at 35 mpg it doesnt say.. really that not to unbelieveable.. i just saw a special on the local news where they proved driving at 45 will give you 10 mpg better in a SUV.. this isn't rocket secince