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Old 07-07-2008, 12:34 PM   #5 (permalink)
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I think I saw it through a link someone posted recently.

I bet for a GPS receiver hardcoded with generic values. The GPS receiver gives not only the position, but also the speed and the acceleration.

A few weeks to design, a few dollars to build and you can sell 50. Will pay for itself rather quickly even if people save only 10%.

Far less powerful than a SG, but will be enough to a lot of people. With a SG you have to analyze numbers in real-time to know what you have to change... People do prefer something telling them what to do, or what they are doing bad.

Even if you only say people when they are accelerating too quickly or driving too fast, this is enough because that box is looking at it all the time. It's still hard to me to have always good accelerations and good speed.

People will not become hypermilers, but will meet EPA and will be happy to save money.

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megane : thread - kill switch.
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