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Old 03-23-2014, 12:55 PM   #5 (permalink)
In Lean Burn Mode
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MisFit Talon - '91 Eagle Talon TSi
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Originally Posted by cbaber View Post
And how is it that the big bad EPA or any agency from the federal government knows what your car is running? I may have missed the story in your previous posts.
So far they don't know? But I was planing on doing some Press Interviews so they would know then for sure.

I was told from a forum member that my Talon is illegal because it never was a "Lean Burn " vehicle from the factory? He was right even though it passed our State local emissions?

So my plans are to keep moving forward and to continue doing lean burn testing on "off road" non-Federal roads and switch back to my Federal ecu for public roads. It only takes about 30 seconds to switch the ecu back and forth
Pressure Gradient Force
The Positive Side of the Number Line

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