I was wondering what fences would do to your Kamm back since the air is moving upwards and over, causing that vortex. ( The red arrows appear to be the direction that the airflow is currentrly moving. )
Do you think that fences ( the green things in the image) would channel the air into a straighter flow, or just cause more turbulence ?
I also wonder how that the flat template affects the vortex on that side. If the area was hollow there then it would cause a vacuum and possibly lessen the vortex .... perhaps ? Experts - what's your opinion ?
I would think that an easy way to see what the air is doing when it gets sucked into the Kamm back would be to create a vertical piece that hugs the back glass and the inside of the Kamm back. If it extended out a good foot or two past the Kamm back, you would be able to see the pattern that the tufts make and see if the wind is doing what you want.
I don't know if that makes any sense at all.