Afflicted with a PT Cruiser
I stumbled onto this site some time back trying to improve the horrible mileage of my 04 PT Cruiser "Limited Edition." I was already practicing many of the hypermileage techniques, I've added a few learned here, but the only things that have made a difference have been ethanol-free gas and making sure my tires are fully inflated. Done right, they add 10-20% improvement around town, and 40% on the highway.
What I'm looking for, though, was a discussion I read the day I was on this site, but I can't swear it was on this site and I can't seem to find it now. The question was, Best pickup truck. Period. I thought I bookmarked the link, but I didn't. In general, the answers were older Nissans (IIRC--the Japanese dominated the answers) and post 2005 US diesels. Now I'm in the hunt for an older used pickup, and danged if I can't find that thread.
The only other clue was that the day I read that thread, whether here or elsewhere, one of the big threads was about adding wheel covers to the PT Cruiser to improve its mileage.
Otherwise, I'm here to learn, if only as a bad example.