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Old 07-07-2008, 02:16 PM   #114 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Location: Silver Spring, MD
Posts: 49

Bucket - '94 Ford Escort Wagon
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Originally Posted by Harry6 View Post
Imagine a raw egg attached to the bottom of your right foot. Try not to break it as you drive!
Originally Posted by jonr View Post
Do not do the raw egg thing - it will cause you to accelerate too slowly for maximum overall FE.
I think neither of these generalizations are completely accurate--it depends on the circumstances (conditions, type of car, etc). With a manual transmission, large throttle openings at lower RPM (short-shifting) can be beneficial, but with an automatic, you have to balance throttle opening with getting the transmission to upshift and lock up as early as possible. I think the eggshell approach can have multiple benefits:
  • Earlier shifts and converter lockup in an automatic
  • Forces the driver to change mindset--no longer competing with other traffic, leaving space ahead for coasting
  • You may simply drive slower
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