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Old 03-27-2014, 06:38 PM   #18 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by KrautBurner View Post
for the $2200 I paid for it, I could have gotten a mid 90's civic that gets 5-10 mpg less (and I'd make that up in one year of commuting)
That's a good point. Anyway, since I'm more used to the Honda than to the Prius, I'd still go towards the Honda and eventually work around lean-burn, gearing mods, weight-savings and other tricks. It's also easier to perform all the maintenance at home.

the URAL with a sidecar is going for $13,000 (about 6x the price of my car)
I didn't even know the Ural was available back there. In my country is more usual to see side-cars attached to low-displacement motorcycles such as the Honda CG 125.

I did commute on a motorcycle for about 2 years
I had the choice of 75 mile ride or 20 miles and a ferry
ended up putting 28K miles on one of my bikes in 16 months

with the hours I'm commuting now (leaving my house at 5am)
and the elivation and likelyhood of snow/ice in the winter
I'm not too interested in riding year round for my commute
Bad weather is really a matter of concern while riding a motorcycle, not just due to comfort but also safety. No wonder recently I started to get more favorable to side-cars...

I love diesels

but they are just demanding way too much money around here
Seems like oil-burners are overpriced almost everywhere...
Anyway, why not to start looking for a random 3cyl stationary Diesel (or the ones used in side-by-side ATVs) and the manual transmission of an Echo or a Tercel?
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