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Old 03-28-2014, 03:13 PM   #28 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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I sold off all my motorcycles a couple years ago, I wasn't using them enough.

Last summer one of nephews got rear ended on his bike while stopped at a stop light. Short trip home from 2nd job on Sunday and didn't bother with the helmet. Smashed his skull, almost removed one ear (deaf in it now) punctured lung and more. Lady in expedition blamed a soda bottle got under the brake and she couldn't stop. He'll never be the same. Helmet on he would have still got hurt, but would be 100% recovered today.

I don't want to be critical of your wife's cousins, but that is the one of most common way motorcyclist are whipped out so you need to always be aware of that.

If Old Mech was on a 1000 a twist of the throttle, slight swerve away and he may have got out of danger quicker. But most 1000s get the worst FE than his Fiesta.
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