Mr. White needs to get feedback from others outside of the lawr enforcement system that they disapprove of his actions. It could be instructive for Mr. White to be on the receiving end of his favorite gestures, perhaps leading to some much needed behavior modification.
You may rightfully wonder, what skin do I have in this? None, down in Florida. However, I have had to endure far, far too many similar encounters with others of Mr. White's ilk. Yes, it's great to pontificate about legality and morality and whatever, but you see, decades of experience with bullys has yielded a fundamental truth: LOGIC and REASON and politely asserting one's rights are completely ineffective and irrelevant when dealing with an emotionally driven psychopath. It seems a dose of their own medicine is a person's best shot at getting their attention.
Last edited by Frank Lee; 03-29-2014 at 06:54 PM..