Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
Now I am a stalker.
You just asked for what I asked in this thread a while back, I told you in that thread that if you wanted a truce I would be happy with that. Since then you have called me a stalker, old and falling off my rocker, and more. You have trouble with reading comprehension or you would not have to ask now for what I asked for in the linked thread.
Stalking your threads, yep just to make sure you don't engage in slanderous statements concerning me.
I'll stop when you cease and desist as I requested again in the link (maybe repetition will get it in your skull). The english language seems to be insuffecient.
Mech show me where in this thread where I attack first!!!
This is my first post in this thread.
Light load BSFC will be a very technical discussion, and I also feel it needs to be talked about on here. I like the "start another thread" idea myself.
After my first post on this thread you attack me. Someone else said you fell off you rocker, not me?
Just like my thread I started about my Talon you attack first. I'm just defending myself!!! On my own thread I never mention your name until you went off on me!!! WTH man!!!