Thanks for the kind words and welcome.
I would love, love, love to swap the tranny out with either the 4-speed auto or 5-speed stick; I know that would be one of the biggest things I could do to help the FE in this car. And I hope that I can find one cheaper than a thousand bucks; I don't have that kind of cash lying about, and that would probably take years to break even with the increased fuel economy.
Yes, the Chevy Prizm is the same as the Toyota Corolla; in fact, the Haynes manual is titled, "Toyota Corolla & Geo/Chevrolet Prizm". It's the smallest car I've ever owned, and the first one I've tried to seriously drive with excellent fuel economy in mind. (One of the things I like about the car is that there's no timing belt; it's a timing chain, which me much more peace of mind.)
I'm just waiting for the rain to stop so I can get this car on the ramps and see where the clunking is coming from. I can feel it through the floorboards, and it feels like it's around the tranny, not the front wheels. (Or maybe it's my paranoia telling me that; I'll know soon enough; besides, it'stwo weeks old and should still be covered under warranty.)
Thanks again.