Originally Posted by Vekke
........I would not fully trust the wear ratings or what you think Capriracer is there some legislation that manufacturers cannot lie on that rating?........
Well, sort of.
The tire manufacturers can not OVER state the wear rating - and they have to do the comparison to a standard tire (so you can compare between brands) - BUT - not only can the tire manufacturers UNDER state the wear rating, they can run the test a number of times, selecting the best result (if they want). Or they can run the test such that the comparison to the standard tire is through multiple tests, taking advantage of the error in each test.
So while you can compare treadwear ratings, you have to take them with a grain of salt. There is probably little difference between tires rated within 10% of each other (say, 400 vs 440), but there will be a difference between tires rated more than that (say, 300 vs 400) - keeping in mind that understating the wear rating is possible.
Originally Posted by Vekke
........If you open the door to changing size totally different the bigger diameter (longer distance travelled) and aerodynamics (narrow) effect more than the LRR compound.....
I thoroughly disagree. The RR of tires in the same size can vary up to 60%. Small tire size changes are on the order of a couple percent. Tire aerodynamics is even smaller. Gearing changes due to tire size might have a larger affect, and probably worth the trouble, particularly considering there are 2 things going in the positive direction (gearing and RR)