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Old 04-03-2014, 01:25 PM   #313 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Originally Posted by modrcm View Post
I checked it again but still not working
I tried also with the 3 analog buttons, connected A11, A12 and A13, the other end connected to ground, but I can not make it work
When using these pins have to pin down the first in order to work.
these are the definition are used that I use for these pins.
// if the below "#define"s are commented out, code will compile for an AtMega328-series processor
#define ArduinoMega2560 true
//#define TinkerkitLCDmodule true

// if the below #define is commented out, 16 MHz system clock will be assumed
//#define use20MHz true // force 20 MHz system clock values

// only one of the below LCD options may be chosen - choosing more than one will cause a compilation error to occur
// if TinkerkitLCDmodule is used, useLegacyLCD will automatically be used, and the below options will be ignored
#define useLegacyLCD true
//#define useParallaxLCD true

// only one of the below button options may be chosen - choosing more than one will cause a compilation error to occur
#define useLegacyButtons true
//#define useAnalogMuxButtons true
//#define useParallax5PositionSwitch true

// the below options only work if useLegacyLCD is selected. If useLegacyLCD is not selected, the below options will not be inserted at all
//#define useLegacyLCDinvertedBrightness true	// For alternate LCD backlight connections
#define useLegacyLCDbuffered true				// Speed up LCD output

// selectable options - all may be chosen independently of one another, save for serial data logging.
// the serial data logging option will conflict with the Parallax LCD output option, if both are selected at the same time
#define blankScreenOnMessage true		// Completely blank display screen upon display of message
#define trackIdleEOCdata true			// Ability to track engine idling and EOC modes
//#define useSerialPortDataLogging true	// Ability to output 5 basic parameters to a data logger or SD card
//#define useBufferedSerialPort true		// Speed up serial output
//#define useCalculatedFuelFactor true	// Ability to calculate that pesky us/gal (or L) factor from easily available published fuel injector data
#define useWindowFilter true			// Smooths out "jumpy" instant FE figures that are caused by modern OBDII engine computers
#define useClock true					// System clock, and means to set it
#define useSavedTrips true				// Ability to save current or tank trips to any one of 10 different trip slots in EEPROM
#define useScreenEditor true			// Ability to change any of 8 existing trip data screens, with 4 configurable figures on each screen
#define useBarFuelEconVsTime true		// Show Fuel Economy over Time bar graph
#define useBarFuelEconVsSpeed true		// Show Fuel Economy vs Speed, Fuel Used vs Speed bar graphs
#define useSpiffyBigChars true
//#define useChryslerMAPCorrection true	// Ability to perform on-the-fly fuel injector data correction for late-model Chrysler vehicles
//#define useABresultViewer true			// Ability to graphically show current (B) versus stored (A) fuel consumption rates
//#define useCoastDownCalculator true		// Ability to calculate C(rr) and C(d) from coastdown

// program measurement and debugging tools
//#define useDebugReadings true
//#define forceEEPROMsettingsInit true
//#define useEEPROMviewer true			// Ability to directly examine EEPROM
//#define useBenchMark true				// this is probably broken - last time I used it was in August
//#define useSerialDebugOutput true

Take a picture and put the links here.
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