Originally Posted by johnlvs2run
My interpretation of instuctions on another thread are as follows:
1) coasting in neutral / foot not on clutch/ engine running;
2a) push clutch all the way in;
b & c not needed, slows car down too much:
b) let the clutch out part way (to spin up the motor);
c) then press it back down;
3) touch the throttle to bring up the engine speed / to match the transmission speed?
(switched order of 3 & 4)
4) shift into the appropriate gear;
5) then release the clutch.
I presume that re-engage in #5 of instructions means release.
Is this all correct?
Fixed your order (in bold)
It is called heel toe
downshifting in racing, because you are never coasting while racing. But I use it even if I am just driving on the streets for downshifting and in coasting situations. It really helps in finding 1st gear as you come up to a stop, and helps your synchros last longer!