Rather than a specific current ramp rate in amps, I'm doing a "time to max current" sort of thing. You can pick any whole number between 1 and 8. 1 means 8 seconds to max current. 2 means 7 seconds to max current, ..., 8 means zero seconds to max current. 1 means 1 second from 0 to max motor amps, ... , 8 means 8 seconds to max motor amps.
Since motor amps are programmable, this seemed like a good idea. Motor amps can be anything in 1 to 1500 or so. I'm using 16 ounce copper. The 500amp controller uses 4 ounce copper, so I thought it would be OK.
By the way, I don't see a good way to keep perfect compliance with rtd explorer. For one thing, the max motor amps variable doesn't exist. I know Adam is planning on including max motor amps in his controller, so maybe it will be added to rtd. Also, the battery amp limit now needs 4 digits instead of 3. Well, in practice, there aren't too many batteries that will do over 1000 amps, but it would be a shame to have to limit what the controller could do.
I'm feeling really happy with the software rewrite. Everything feels pretty clean and understandable. The serial is just about done. Then I'll just add the eeprom write and read routines.
All the current variables in the saved data are in the units of amperes. So, no weird translations necessary to real amps from virtual amps.
Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 04-08-2014 at 08:20 AM..