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Old 04-10-2014, 09:57 AM   #12 (permalink)
Daox's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Germantown, WI
Posts: 11,203

CM400E - '81 Honda CM400E
90 day: 51.49 mpg (US)

Daox's Grey Prius - '04 Toyota Prius
Team Toyota
90 day: 49.53 mpg (US)

Daox's Insight - '00 Honda Insight
90 day: 64.33 mpg (US)

Swarthy - '14 Mitsubishi Mirage DE
90 day: 56.69 mpg (US)

Daox's Volt - '13 Chevrolet Volt
Thanks: 2,501
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I'm not really wanting to dump too much time or money into this 1997 car. The picture shows its good side. The other side has a crumpled up passenger door, typical rust under the gas door, and a few other things. I'm certainly not willing to dish out for a new tranny, manual or automatic. Its a commuter and that is just about all. My commute is a little less than 14 miles a day (3,650 miles per year). I don't really plan on using it for a whole lot more than that. Even then, I plan on using the bike most of the summer.

I will probably block off some of the grill. Thats an easy mod and I have some coroplast laying around already.

I think the biggest gains are in the transmission area. The evidence being the difference between the manual and automatics mileage in the EM garage here. The engine is capable of giving high 30s to 40s, but the automatic just eats away at it like crazy. But, I should be able to literally add a switch that I have laying around for a free mod that locks up the torque converter and see a decent bump in mileage. If I get real ambitious, I may start playing around with an arduino and the shifting solenoids to make it a manumatic, but I doubt I'll have time for that.
Current project: A better alternator delete
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