Radiator Fan Control / Grille Block
My vibe AKA Matrix has a Fan Control Module that I have just recently started to monitor from inside the car with a light wired across the fan power leads.
It will turn on at 95c(203f) and the light will remain on all the way up to 100(212), but no higher which initially I found odd.....
So on went the volt meter across the lamp inside my car, and two trips at 60 miles each I have found the following data.
Temp - Voltage
95 - 4.23v
96 - 4.56
97 - 6.23
98 - 7.91
99 - 9.06
100 - 9.06
I have yet gone past 100 degrees and the fan has not had full battery voltage. This by the way is with all of my grill blocks installed flying down the highway at 60 mph with a frontal wind of 20 mph plus.
This i feel is a very large advantage for engine temperature control. once it goes to 95 degrees it is near constant unless I off the throttle. I have observed so major gains WRT mileage and actually expect to break 800 km or 500 miles shortly, maybe this tank.
Intake air is about 10 degree C above ambient (11 this afternoon) at highway cruising and goes up to well over 20 degrees in light load conditions.
There are times when intake air is at 36 degrees (98), where I think is the greatest benefit and very likely the reason for the big numbers.
I did tinker with the grill blocks before I got my OBD scan tool, which now explains my spike in mileage then.