Quick update on the trip home. From LA to Portland was just over 1000 miles. We averaged 53 MPH and averaged 11.9 MPG according to the trip computer.
This drive felt harder than the previous drive from Vegas, I swear I could feel the extra drag from the denser air at lower altitudes. We were in 3rd way more often, even on the flatish stretch from LA to Sacramento on I-5.
Once we get the trailer cleaned up and put away I hope to get a rolling baseline for the Tahoe, then try removing the crossbars and front bug deflector and see if that makes any difference.
Slowmover - I found a previous thread about travel trailers. One thing which struck me was the comment that anything above 48" gap between tow vehicle and trailer negates any benefit of the tow vehicle aerodynamics, you might as well be pulling the trailer next to you. If that's the case I'm not sure there is much I can reasonably do to close that gap or improve the combination, other than going with a smaller tow vehicle with a smaller frontal area, like a Roadmaster or Magnum wagon.
I'm still reading and having fun, man I love to do research.