Originally Posted by Xist
I finally picked up the oil pan and bought a gasket, oil, PB Blaster, a drain pan, and jack stands. I keep reading about how to do the replacement and people linked diagrams, although many of the images did not show up for me. Someone finally linked a .PDF of the Honda repair manual, so I have a few pages that I will print off, I can probably interrupt my roommate's Rock Band in order to use his printer, but he was gone before I went to O'Reilly.
None of this sounds fun, just doable, and I would rather do it myself. I wish that people keep trying to tell me that if I had just paid Quick Lube to do this for me, I never would have had this problem. That is exactly why I have this problem!
It's not rocket science. The hardest part is being underneath the car to drop the pan and reinstall it with all the bolts. However, after you change the pan, the gasket and the oil, it might still continue to leak. If it does, then you will realize that you were barking up the wrong tree. Been there, done that.
Let's hope it's just that, and not the engine seal.