gaa, the
nano's are 3 for $10 (and 8 adc a piece) (something about a regulator?!?)
multi-cpu communication/coordination is a little more challenging, aside from optos. Simplest is to pull down a pin on one from the master (via opto) and it streams the volts out its tx port (through another opto) back to the rx port on the master, with a known start and end string, in case communication gets out of wack. With the main board controlling who turn it is to send there should be no conflicts.
EDIT: no obvious usb port, would have to adapt an arduino to program it.
still the serial lcd is nice though, keep the boards and wires by the battery.
Turn, I grabbed 3 of those modules for my scooter, was planning on taking them apart for 45volts 32ah, till I watched a kid do it on youtube. Well, I'm still planning on taking them apart, just not looking forward to it
He doesn't appear to have a lot left in stock by the website.