Originally Posted by mechman600
Wow, those are indeed low cost. Unfortunately I am dumb if it's not Arduino.:
Well I can't seem to figure out what cpu is on what nucleo board or how many adc are available, or supported by the online compiler, or even what pins they would be on, the info is scattered and conflicting beyond the arduino pins. Looks like straight to the discovery series and gcc for me
Edit: yup, found the
datasheet for the 64 pin mcu on the 32L100CDISCOVERY
board and determined the pin mappings for 22 ADC pins in short order. ADC_IN16 is dedicated to temperature and ADC_IN17 is internal voltage ref, so that leaves 20, i.e. 18 cells and a current shunt. I feel better now

the legacy arduino stuff was a PITA for the capabilities of this cpu, will have to toy with gnu C.
edit 2: looks like coocox can make life simpler for windows users, yay! Eclipse/gcc based IDE